The worldwide operating concern HASBRO, famous for its games such as Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Risk and many more, decides for KALLFASS technology after a market analysis in the range of film packaging.

An engineer-team from HASBRO checked very well nameable american manufacturers and KALLFASS Verpackungsmaschinen GmbH. With a large catalogue of requirements, starting from the look of the packaging over to the level of technology and innovation until to the operator convenience, the 4 candidates were put to the acid test.


As single manufacturer not from the US, KALLFASS got on the first place with its UNIVERSA 500 SERVO. Thereupon the first packaging line was purchased for HASBRO in Massachusetts / USA.


Unexpected, serious problems came up at the production-start. But the uncommon problems at the Universa 500 Servo have been resolved thanks to a very quick visit of the KALLFASS president on site in Massachusetts. The packaging line simply allowed too much setting possibilities. Despite efficient training, grave operator errores came up.

Then a rash developed and modified operator program brought the requiered success. The packaging line works optimally and satisfies completely the high expectations of responsible HASBRO persons.


The quick presence and the flexible and constructional attitude how to resolve problems by KALLFASS Verpackungsmaschinen GmbH was very positive for HASBRO. Two "500 Servo" pack now at Hasbro Ireland the full range of the favoured games. Two further packaging lines have been ordered.

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