Film packaging for furniture, doors, windows, countertops and other large-sized products

In order to shrinkwrap large and extremely large products, large-sized packaging lines are required
Kallfass has on the one hand the fully-automatic large-format sleeve wrappers SUPER WRAP 1300 and 1600 de Luxe, on the other hand the UNIVERSA 800 and for the extreme dimensions the UNIVERSA 1000 in the programme. This range helps you being equipped even for the largest sizes. Especially in the furniture industry, the large-format sleeve wrappers together with the HV tunnel technology achieve lateral completely closed shrinkwrapping. Ugly and annoying film flaring can be widely avoided.
Here a few product examples:

LACK tables from IKEA, completely overwrapped in shrink film
An innovative packaging style. The earlier cardboard packaging is replaced by a 38 µm film packaging. The Universa 1000 with a packing width of up to 1000 mm manages the film overwrap even with these popular tables. The end customer can recognize the pattern already at the sale point. By introducing the film packaging, expensive product changes and ripped-up boxes decreased radically.

Full film overwrap even for LACK shelves from IKEA
For this IKEA product, the earlier cardboard packaging is replaced by a 38 µm film packaging as well. The narrow sizes permit the use of the UNIVERSA 500 models. The same positive effect is achieved: significant cost savings by decreased returns.

Heavy doors of steel, packed in PE film
The doors are packed in shrink film together with the accessories and installation manual. The centering device in the infeeding section is centering the heavy products automatically. Cardboard inlays provide an additional protection.

Manual film overwrap for large boards and countertops
But you don’t need always a huge line: with low performance required, the large boards can be manually packed and afterwards shrinked. The very good packaging result is a great benefit at little cost.

Slatted frames and mattresses
These products can not be dissembled and must be packed as a whole. This is a job for the Kallfass large-sized sleeve wrappers in connection with HV tunnel technology, even with cardboard protective lids.
Awnings in long cardboard boxes
The tight film packaging is firmly supporting the awnings in addition to the three-cornered section.